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Special Semiconductor
Devices and Materials

IT of 5G, 6G Mobile Communications
APD Sensor for LiDAR
Bio-Medical Sensor for Wearable and Smart Electronics
GaN Power FET for Charger and state-of-the-art SMPS
GaN RF HEMT for 5G and Radar
M-FAB Foundry with Plural IPs Portfolio

Special Semiconductor
Devices and Materials

IT of 5G, 6G Mobile Communications
APD Sensor for LiDAR
Bio-Medical Sensor for Wearable and Smart Electronics
GaN Power FET for Charger and state-of-the-art SMPS
GaN RF HEMT for 5G and Radar
M-FAB Foundry with Plural IPs Portfolio

Special Semiconductor
Devices and Materials

IT of 5G, 6G Mobile Communications
APD Sensor for LiDAR
Bio-Medical Sensor for Wearable and Smart Electronics
GaN Power FET for Charger and state-of-the-art SMPS
GaN RF HEMT for 5G and Radar
M-FAB Foundry with Plural IPs Portfolio

Spirit of Sigetronics
Open Mind, Hot Heart, Cool Brain
Spirit of Sigetronics
Open Mind, Hot Heart, Cool Brain
