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Product Name V(V) Chip Size
Structure Electrode
HPD07VD 7 330 x 330 150 P-up Al/Au
HPD12VD 12 330 x 330 150 P-up Al/Au
HPD36VD 36 330 x 330 150 P-up Al/Au
HPD42VD 42 330 x 330 150 P-up Al/Au
HPD50VD 50 330 x 330 150 P-up Al/Au
HPD07VM 7 330 x 330 150 P-up Al/Au
HPD12VM 12 330 x 330 150 P-up Al/Au
HPD36VM 36 330 x 330 150 P-up Al/Au
HPD42VM 42 330 x 330 150 P-up Al/Au
HPD50VM 50 330 x 330 150 P-up Al/Au
TBS6L 5 150 x 150 90 PNP Al/Au